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  • Use cases (Systems engineering)

Use cases (Systems engineering) (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Use cases (Systems engineering)
Used for/see from:
  • Kullanım senaryoları (Sistem mühendisliği)
  • Kullanım durumları (Sistem mühendisliği)
See also:

Work cat.: 98-29948: Schneider, G. Applying use cases, 1998: CIP galley (use cases are a way of defining system requirements from a user point of view. They are used in the developments analysis phase of a project, as well as contributing to test plans and user guides. They are used to validate a proposed design and to ensure it meets all requirements. Use cases are also used when creating a project schedule, helping to plan what goes into each release.)

Alta Vista, July 17, 1998 (titles: use cases)

PC Webopaedia

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