Foust III, Henry Clyde.

Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics, and Combustion [electronic resource] / by Henry Clyde Foust III. - 1st ed. 2022. - 1 online resource

Part I – Fundamentals of Thermodynamics -- Equations of State -- Heat and Work -- First Law of Thermodynamics -- Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics -- Various Heat Engines -- Thermodynamic Relationships and Gas Mixtures -- Part II – Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics -- Conservation Principles for a Gaseous System, Part I -- Conservation Principles for a Gaseous System, Part II -- Critical Flow -- Part III – Fundamentals of Combustion -- Physically Based Combustion -- Combustion Chemistry -- Deflagration -- Detonation -- Blast Theory.

This textbook provides students studying thermodynamics for the first time with an accessible and readable primer on the subject. The book is written in three parts: Part I covers the fundamentals of thermodynamics; Part II is on gas dynamics; and Part III focuses on combustion. Chapters are written in a clear and concise manner and include examples and problems to support the concepts outlined in the text. The book begins with a discussion of the fundamentals of thermodynamics and includes a thorough analysis of engineering devices. The book moves on to address applications in gas dynamics and combustion to include advance topics such as two-phase critical flow and blast theory. Written for use in Introduction to Thermodynamics, Advanced Thermodynamics, and Introduction to Combustion courses, this book uniquely covers thermodynamics, gas dynamics and combustion in a clear and concise manner, showing the integral connections at an advanced undergraduate or lower graduate student level. • Presents a thorough overview of the fundamentals of thermodynamics; • Contains end of chapter questions, worked examples, and solutions; • Provides ancillary materials to support the concepts outlined in the text.


10.1007/978-3-030-87387-5 doi

Heat engineering.
Heat transfer.
Mass transfer.
Electric power distribution.
Mechanical engineering.
Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer.
Energy Grids and Networks.
Mechanical Engineering.
